02 May 2010

I Was Afraid of That...

I just knew that I'd take the plunge and then it would be months before I posted anything again. Okay, so it wasn't months, only 4 days, but still...
I had a good reason to be MIA. My BFF's daughter,
Geoffrey, has been in the hospital since Tuesday. So, I spent most of my free time at the hospital, giving my BFF a break. I even got to have a couple of sleepovers at the hospital -- something I've never done before (except when I was having my own recovery, but then it's not called a sleepover, it's called a "stay.")

The weather has been more like March than May; it's been cold, windy and rainy.  I'm not complaining, however, because we didn't get much snow this winter, so we're looking at the possibility of a nasty summer forest fire season.  Any rain we get now will keep that from happening.  Plus, my favorite weather is cold, rainy weather...it appeals to my anglophilic (is that a word?) nature.

I read. A LOT.  One of the things that I love about rainy weather is that it gives me a chance to indulge this obsession.  I get to light a fire in the fireplace, brew myself a pot of tea, curl up on the sofa with my two kitties, Lizzie and Missy, and read away to my heart's content.  I finished "Angelology" last night at the hospital; then today I read "Yonder" by Margaret Bell Houston for the umpteenth time. It's been one of my favorite books since my grandmother gave it to me back when I was in high school.  I also read "The Man Who Loved Books Too Much" today; it was interesting and a very fast read.

On May 4th, Carlos Ruiz Zafon's new book, "The Prince of Mist" comes out. I can't wait until my copy arrives! Zafon is one of my current favorite writers; I read both "The Shadow of the Wind" and "The Angel's Game" in the space of a few days -- they are both those kinds of books that suck you in and keep you engrossed in the story.  His use of language is almost musical, lyrical. I'd really love to read these in Spanish, the language they were written in, but I need to boost up my vocabulary some before I can do that. Otherwise, it's read a sentence, look up 10 words, forget where you were and what was happening, start all over again...repeat.  Annoying.

Back to work tomorrow. Heavy sigh. Work, the necessary evil that allows me to feed my book habit, gardening habit, junking habit, and travels to England habit. But that doesn't mean I have to like it!

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